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Prayers Of The Faithful For The Prayer Vigil And Mass Of Christian Burial

The parish Priest will offer orations to address God on behalf of the entire Church in their prayer for the loved one.  The Opening prayer as listed below is a suitable prayer as guided by the Priest.  Additional options are provided if you would like to add 2 -3 more prayers.

A variety of options are available from the parish Priest suited to more specific circumstances.  Please discuss with the priest the most suitable options for the service of your loved one.



  • Let us pray for (name) who in baptism was given the pledge of eternal life, that she/he now be admitted to the company of saints:

    We pray to the Lord.       R. Lord Hear our Prayer

  • For our sister/brother (name) who ate the body of Christ, the bread of life, that she/he be raised up on the last day:

    We pray to the Lord.       R. Lord Hear our Prayer

  •  For the family and friends of our sister/brother (name) that they may be consoled in their grief by the Lord who wept at the death of his friend Lazarus:

     We pray to the Lord.       R. Lord Hear our Prayer

  • For the deceased friends and relatives and for all who have helped us, that they may have the reward of their goodness:
  •  We pray to the Lord.       R. Lord Hear our Prayer

  • For those who have fallen asleep in the hope of rising again,that they may see God face to face:
  •  We pray to the Lord.       R. Lord Hear our Prayer

  • For all of us assembled here to worship in faith, that we maybe gathered together again in God’s kingdom:
  •  We pray to the Lord.       R. Lord Hear our Prayer

  • For a moment, let us be with our own memories of            .
  • We pray to the Lord.       R. Lord Hear our Prayer


  1. For (name), that he/she may now rejoice in the glory of God.
  2. We pray to the Lord.       R. Lord Hear our Prayer

  3. For (name), that he/she may now celebrate with all the saints the fullness of life:
  4. We pray to the Lord.       R. Lord Hear our Prayer

  5. In baptism (name), received the light of Christ. Scatter darkness now and lead him/her over the waters of death:
  6. We pray to the Lord.       R. Lord Hear our Prayer

  7. Our brother/sister (name) was nourished at the table of the Savior. Welcome him/her into the halls of the heavenly banquet:
  8. We pray to the Lord.       R. Lord Hear our Prayer

  9. For the Family, relatives, friends and associates of (name), that our tears of sorry may one day become tears of joy when we are reunited with him/her:
  10. We pray to the Lord.       R. Lord Hear our Prayer

  11. For the family and friends of our brother/sister (name), that they may be consoled in their grief by the Lord, who wept at the death of his friend Lazarus:
  12. We pray to the Lord.       R. Lord Hear our Prayer

  13. The family and friends of (name) seek comfort and consolation. Heal their pain and dispel the darkness and doubt that come from grief:
  14. We pray to the Lord.       R. Lord Hear our Prayer

  15. For all those people who ministered to (name) during his/her illness, that they may be blessed in abundance with God’s love for them:
  16. We pray to the Lord.       R. Lord Hear our Prayer

  17. For each of us with whom (name) so generously shared his/her many gifts, me we too grow in the ability to share our gifts and lighten the burdens of others:
  18. We pray to the Lord.       R. Lord Hear our Prayer

  19. For those who cared for (name) in her/his last days, that they may realize how much their efforts we re appreciated:
  20. We pray to the Lord.       R. Lord Hear our Prayer

  21. For those who have died with no one to weep for them or miss their presence, that they be especially welcomed into the loving embrace of God:
  22. We pray to the Lord.       R. Lord Hear our Prayer

  23. For the ill and those who soon will die, that any fear and anxiety they may have may be calmed by the compassion of our loving God:
  24. We pray to the Lord.       R. Lord Hear our Prayer

  25. For those who served in the Canadian Armed Forces, especially those who made the supreme sacrifice and veterans who have died:
  26. We pray to the Lord.       R. Lord Hear our Prayer

  27. For all of us here today, that we may be grateful for the life that is given to us daily:
  28. We pray to the Lord.       R. Lord Hear our Prayer

  29. Many people die by violence, war, and famine each day. Show your mercy to those who suffer so unjustly these sins against your love, and gather them to the eternal kingdom of peace:
  30. We pray to the Lord.       R. Lord Hear our Prayer

  31. For each of us here present that God will bless us richly with the gifts He knows we need to fully celebrate life and recognize the new beginning which he offers us each day:
  32. We pray to the Lord.       R. Lord Hear our Prayer

Used by permission.
Prayers of the Faithful
Diocese of Saskatoon Catholic Foundation
March 2021



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Springfield Funeral Home
Disclaimer: Every effort has been made to ensure the information in these pages is accurate and in accordance with the teachings of the Church and/or the customs and practices of the local church, specifically the Diocese of Nelson. Springfield Funeral Home does not represent or speak on behalf of the Diocese of Nelson. Please defer to the directive of the local ordinary or to the Pastor of the parish if there is a discrepancy of information contained in these pages. Local parishes may have their own traditions, requests and/or resources. We would appreciate to be notified of any errors, whether liturgical or grammatical in nature. Please send any such notices to